Toshiba koopt land voor nieuwe halfgeleiderfabriek
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toshiba Corporation heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het zich opmaakt voor een grotere productie van zijn BiCS FLASH™, een gepatenteerd 3D-flashgeheugen. Toshiba heeft 150 duizend vierkante meter land naast zijn productiecomplex Yokkaichi Operations gekocht, in de prefectuur Mie. Het land grenst aan oostelijke en noordelijke delen van het complex en kost circa 3 miljard yen.
Het nieuwe terrein is naar verwachting in maart 2017 klaar. Toshiba beslist in lijn met de markttendensen van het boekjaar 2016 over de bouwplanning, productiecapaciteit en investeringen in de uitrusting van zijn nieuwe productiefaciliteiten.
Toshiba Acquiring Land for New Semiconductor Production Facility |
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO: 6502) today announced that it is gearing up for future expanded production of “BiCS FLASH™”, its proprietary 3D flash memory, by acquiring 150,000m 2 of land adjacent to its Yokkaichi Operations memory production complex in Mie prefecture. The land borders the eastern and northern parts of the complex, and will cost approximately 3 billion yen. The new site is expected to be ready for construction by March 2017. Decisions on construction schedule, production capacity, and equipment investment for the new production facilities will be made in line with market trends within FY2016. NAND flash memory is a driving force in data storage, with applications range from extensive use in smartphones, tablets and other personal digital equipment to an increasingly important role in enterprise computing and datacenters. Production of BiCS FLASH™ requires a new cleanroom with dedicated equipment for the 3D process. The New Fab 2 building, which will be fully completed in the first half of FY2016, will initially provide this space. The land Toshiba is now acquiring will provide a site for future construction of an additional clean room for 3D flash memories adjacent to the current site, which now has limited space due to current facilities. This increased capacity will position Toshiba to quickly respond to the approaching transition from 2D to 3D flash memories, when market trends indicate the need for a new facility. Toshiba positions the memory business as a core business, and will continue to make focused investments that enhance its market competitiveness. * BiCS FLASH is a trademark of Toshiba Corporation. About Toshiba Toshiba Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Toshiba Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Toshiba promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives. Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Toshiba is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). View source version on Contacts Toshiba Corporation |