15:56 uur 27-01-2016

4finance herstart activiteiten in Litouwen

RIGA, Letland–(BUSINESS WIRE)—4finance Group S.A., een van de grootste Europese bedrijven in online en mobiele leningen aan particulieren, maakt bekend dat het zijn kredietactiviteiten in Litouwen herstart. Dit gebeurt via zijn dochteronderneming UAB Credit Service, een goedgekeurde kredietverstrekker op de particuliere markt. Dit bedrijf gebruikt de internationaal erkende merken Vivus en SMSCredit.

De groep heeft, uit eerbied voor de eisen van de Litouwse Bank, hard gewerkt om te kunnen garanderen dat zijn procedures en beleid voldoen aan bestaande wetgeving en wetten die op 1 februari 2016 in werking treden.


4finance Re-Starts Operations in Lithuania

RIGA, Latvia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– 4finance Group S.A. (the “Group”), one of Europe’s largest online and mobile consumer lending groups, announces that it has re-started lending operations in Lithuania through its subsidiary UAB Credit Service, an approved consumer credit provider, using the Group’s internationally recognised brands Vivus and SMSCredit.

Further to its press release of 23 December, the Group, respecting the requirements of the Bank of Lithuania, has worked to ensure its procedures and policies are in compliance with both existing regulation and the new legislation coming into effect on 1 February 2016.

The 4finance Group operates in 15 countries and is committed to the highest standards in terms of responsible lending, transparency and compliance with all regulations everywhere it operates.

Notes to Editors

4finance is one of Europe’s largest and fastest growing online and mobile consumer lending groups with operations in 15 countries globally. Putting innovative data-driven analysis into all aspects of the business, 4finance has grown rapidly, issuing over EUR 2.5 billion to date in single payment loans, instalment loans and lines of credit.

4finance operates through a portfolio of market leading brands with strong regional presence including Vivus, SMSCredit and Zaplo. A responsible lender, offering simple, convenient and transparent products and service, 4finance is meeting growing customer demand from those under-served by conventional lending.

Established in 2008, 4finance is headquartered in Riga, Latvia and operates in Argentina, Armenia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the United States. www.4finance.com


4finance (Investor Relations)
James Etherington
Email: investorrelations@4finance.com< br/>+44 (0)7766 697 950
Instinctif Partners (International Media)
Helen Tarbet
Mark Walter
James Gray
Email: 4finance@instinctif.com
+44 (0)207 457 2020

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