09:29 uur 26-01-2016

Global Solar Trading BV lanceert Honeywell Solar Modules met unieke Online Quality Control Check


Jan. 25, 2016 23:51 UTC

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global Solar Trading heeft de lancering van Honeywell Solar Modules met de unieke Online Quality Control Check aangekondigd. Het bedrijf heeft een licentieovereenkomst met Honeywell getekend, zodat het zijn merk mag gebruiken bij de productie, marketing en distributie van fotovoltaïsche zonnemodules in achttien landen in vijf continenten. Honeywell is een internationale leider in diverse technologieën en de productie daarvan. Het bedrijf bedient wereldwijd klanten met luchtvaartproducten en –diensten, controletechnologieën voor gebouwen, huizen en industrie en hoogwaardige materialen.

“We zetten ons in voor een betere wereld door vaker hernieuwbare energiebronnen te gebruiken. De markt voor fotovoltaïsche zonne-energie blijft komende jaren naar verwachting sterk groeien”, zei Siu-Fung Chan, ceo van Global Solar Trading. “Het merk Honeywell draagt bij aan een grotere bereidheid tot investeringen in zonnepanelen bij klanten. Om onze toewijding aan kwaliteit te onderstrepen geven we 20 jaar garantie voor het product en 25 jaar garantie voor de elektriciteitsoutput.”

Deze bekendmaking is officieel geldend in de originele brontaal. Vertalingen zijn slechts als leeshulp bedoeld en moeten worden vergeleken met de tekst in de brontaal, welke als enige rechtsgeldig is.


Global Solar Trading BV
Mr. Siu-Fung Chan, CEO
Office: +31 85 401 6411
Mobile: +31 614 707 353

Source: Global Solar Trading

Global Solar Trading BV Announces Launch of Honeywell Solar Modules with Unique Online Quality Control Check

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global Solar Trading announced the launch of Honeywell Solar Modules with a unique Online Quality Control Check. The company has signed a license agreement with Honeywell to use its trademark in the manufacturing, advertising, sale and distribution of photovoltaic solar modules in 18 countries across 5 continents. Honeywell is a global diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services, control technologies for buildings, homes, and industry; turbochargers, and performance materials.

“We are committed to a better world by using more renewable energy sources. The PV solar market is likely to continue its strong growth in the coming years.” said Siu-Fung Chan, CEO of Global Solar Trading. “The Honeywell brand will contribute to a better acceptance by our customers to invest in solar panels. To underline our commitment to quality, we offer a 20-year product warranty and a 25-year power output warranty.”

“This is an exciting licensing opportunity,” said Mary Newell-Miller, Vice President of Licensing at Honeywell. “With nearly half of our own product portfolio linked to energy efficiency, we see the solar module business as a natural extension for us. Based on their history of quality products and customer satisfaction, we believe Global Solar Trading is a good partner to launch and grow Honeywell branded solar modules.”

Online Quality Control Check – A Unique Innovation

We introduced an Online Quality Control Check platform for customers to check the quality of the Honeywell solar panels that have been installed in their projects; it is a wonderful tool to gain instant insight into the quality, performance and power generation of the panels.

When the customer visits www.honeywell-solar.com and enters the serial number(s) into the ‘Quality Check’ section, all the necessary details about their Honeywell solar modules will be provided instantly. The Online Quality Control Check, combined with the 20-year product warranty and 25-year power output warranty, strongly reassure the customer of the quality of the Honeywell Solar Modules.

About Global Solar Trading

Global Solar Trading BV is located in The Netherlands and responsible for the production, marketing and sales for Honeywell Solar Modules in 18 countries across 5 continents. For more information about Global Solar Trading, please visit www.honeywell-solar.com.


Global Solar Trading BV
Mr. Siu-Fung Chan, CEO
Office: +31 85 401 6411
Mobile: +31 614 707 353

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