11:05 uur 12-01-2016

Lancering van Distributed Ledger Hub – een wereldwijde primeur

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Earthport, het toonaangevende betaalnetwerk voor grensoverschrijdende transacties dat bekendstaat om zijn grote ACH-infrastructuur, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het zijn capaciteiten verder uitbreidt met de lancering van zijn Distributed Ledger Hub (DLH). DLH is een dienst die via zijn Distributed Ledger Gateway – die in augustus 2015 werd aangekondigd – toegankelijk is en volledige connectiviteit biedt binnen Ripple, inclusief private Ripple-instanties, Ripple-marktmakers en op den duur ook binnen andere Distributed Ledgers.

Earthports nieuwe Hub, die voortbouwt op zijn Distributed Ledger Gateway, biedt een oplossing voor banken die kampen met de elkaar beconcurrerende lasten van kleinere budgets en de noodzaak gelijke tred te houden met radicale technologische veranderingen. Met DLH hebben cliënten van Earthport via een enkele API toegang tot alle voordelen van Distributed Ledger Technology, tegen minimale kosten en inspanningen; een wereldwijde primeur voor de sector.

Launch of the Distributed Ledger Hub – A World First

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Earthport, the leading payment network for cross-border transactions, known for its operation of a large global ACH infrastructure, today announces further expansion of its growing capabilities with the launch of its Distributed Ledger Hub (DLH). The DLH is a service accessed through Earthport’s Distributed Ledger Gateway, announced in August of 2015, that will provide full connectivity into Ripple, including private Ripple instances, Ripple market makers, and in time, other Distributed Ledgers.

Building on Earthport’s Distributed Ledger Gateway, the new Hub will offer a solution for banks which are increasingly challenged with the competing constraints of lower budgets and the need to keep up with radical changes in technology. Through DLH, Earthport’s clients can gain access to the full benefits of Distributed Ledger Technology at minimal effort and cost through a single API; a global first for the industry.

The extended service will simplify and accelerate the adoption and implementation of Distributed Ledger Technologies for the banking community – allowing banks to swiftly move into this new world of payments without additional heavy investment in infrastructure, compliance or operational requirements. This is achieved via full access to the Ripple ecosystem through a single contract, a single technical integration, and a single service relationship.

In addition to Ripple, through the same API, clients can access all payment methods in over 60 countries in a fast and highly cost effective manner, following the same rigorous compliance processes used in all Earthport transactions. Earthport’s services in the DLH are conducted entirely in Fiat currency with no use of crypto currencies.

This development aligns directly with Earthport’s core mission to provide access to as many countries, currencies, accounts and payment types as possible through a single API.

Hank Uberoi, CEO, Earthport, commented, “It is our belief that there may be different ledgers that gain traction over time – some will have a regional affiliation, and some may be more aligned by industry sector. Banks will need to have access to a growing universe of different ledgers to serve their own clients, further complicating their technical roadmaps. Earthport, in consultation with its clients, will grow the Hub to encompass different ledgers as needed, all available via a single Earthport API.”

About Earthport:

Earthport plc is a financial services organisation providing cross-border payments services to banks, e-commerce providers, money transfer companies and payment administrators. Earthport is headquartered in London with regional offices in New York, Miami, Dubai and Singapore.

One of the FinTech50 2015 – judged to be the game-changers transforming the future of finance – Earthport is also the winner of the Grant Thornton Quoted Company Awards 2015 Technology company of the year award and FStech/Retail Systems’ B2B Payments Innovation of the Year (2014).

Earthport provides the industry with access to a global payment network through a single contract, a single technical integration, and a single service relationship. Worldwide, over 50 banks are connected into Earthport’s network for the efficient clearing of low value payments. Through a single relationship, clients benefit from sophisticated validation, message transformation and compliance services, efficiently serving their customers with more innovative payment products.

Earthport is listed on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) on the London Stock Exchange. Earthport plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Service Regulations 2009 for the provision of payment services.

Find out more at  www.earthport.com and on Twitter  @EarthportLinkedInYouTubeSlideshare and  Google+.


Marta Ripoll, +44 (0) 207 932 1854

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