15:25 uur 22-12-2015

Westinghouse test integriteit insluitingsvat Haiyang 1

PEKING –(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company LLC heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat de test van het insluitingsvat van de in aanbouw zijnde kerncentrale in Haiyang in de provincie Shandong, China, met succes is afgerond. De resultaten tonen aan dat het vat in unit 1 voldoet aan de constructie- en kwaliteitseisen en een robuuste barrière biedt om de volksgezondheid en veiligheid te waarborgen.

“Het testen van het insluitingsvat is een belangrijke mijlpaal in de levering van ‘s werelds eerste AP1000® kerncentrales en bevestigt de integriteit van de structuur van het vat”, zegt Jeff Benjamin, senior vicepresident bij Westinghouse. “Westinghouse en onze leveranciers zijn hard op weg om ons project te voltooien.”

Westinghouse Demonstrates Integrity of Haiyang 1 Containment Vessel Ahead of Schedule

BEIJING–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Westinghouse Electric Company LLC today announced that testing to validate the containment vessel of the Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant under construction in Shandong Province, China, has been successfully completed. The test results demonstrate that the unit 1 reactor’s containment vessel meets design and construction quality requirements, and provides a robust barrier to protect public health and safety.

“The containment vessel pressure testing is another significant milestone in the delivery of one of the world’s first AP1000 ® nuclear power plants and confirms the integrity of the containment vessel structure. Westinghouse and our delivery partners remain on a clear path to project completion,” said Jeff Benjamin, Westinghouse senior vice president, New Plants and Major Projects.

The two-part testing began Nov. 30 and concluded Dec. 9. During the first test, called the Structural Integrity Test (SIT), monitored pressurization of the containment vessel demonstrated that the design and construction meet all applicable industry codes and standards at 110 percent of design pressure. Following the successful completion of the SIT on Dec. 6, the containment vessel was repressurized to perform the second test, called the Integrated Leak Rate Test (ILRT), which demonstrated the containment vessel’s ability to prevent fission products from being released in the event of an emergency. Final data analyses are being conducted and reports on the testing will be issued early next year.

The tests were completed two days ahead of schedule. The return on experience from AP1000 plant construction is already benefiting global deployment of the AP1000 nuclear power plant. Four AP1000 units are under construction in China: two at Haiyang and two at Sanmen in Zhejiang Province. The testing team at Haiyang effectively leveraged lessons learned from the SIT/ILRT milestone completed in early November at the Sanmen plant to pre-emptively troubleshoot potential testing challenges and increase efficiency, leading to shorter test duration.

Westinghouse Electric Company, a group company of Toshiba Corporation (TKY:6502), is the world’s pioneering nuclear energy company and is a leading supplier of nuclear plant products and technologies to utilities throughout the world. Westinghouse supplied the world’s first commercial pressurized water reactor in 1957 in Shippingport, Pa., U.S. Today, Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately one half of the world’s operating nuclear plants. AP1000 is a trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. All rights reserved.


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