11:53 uur 08-12-2015

Kela: in tegenstelling tot berichten is onderzoek naar basisinkomen nog in voorbereidende fase

HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Maandag 7 december publiceerden vele internationale media misleidende artikelen die beweerden dat in de nabije toekomst een basisinkomenregeling in Finland van start zou gaan.

“Dit is incorrect. Momenteel is er alleen voorlopige studie over een basisinkomen van start gegaan”, zegt professor Olli Kangas die het onderzoek leidt bij Kela (Sociaal Verzekeringsinstituut van Finland).

Een experimenteel onderzoek over een universeel basisinkomen begon in oktober. Een werkgroep van onderzoekers uit een reeks organisaties doet onder leiding van Kela onderzoek naar de manier waarop een experimenteel onderzoek over hoe een universeel basisinkomen kan worden ingevoerd. Het project is onderdeel van het analyse-, evaluatie- en onderzoekplan van de Finse overheid voor 2015.



Kela: Contrary to Reports, Basic Income Study Still at Preliminary Stage

HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– On Monday, December 7, many international media-outlets published misleading stories alleging that a basic income scheme would be launched in Finland in the near future.

“This is not correct. At this point only a preliminary study about the basic income has started”, says Professor Olli Kangas who is leading the study at Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland).

An experimental study on a universal basic income began in October. A working group of researchers from a range of organisations under the project leadership of Kela is exploring ways in which to carry out an experimental study focusing on the implementation of a universal basic income scheme. The project is part of the Finnish Government’s analysis, assessment and research plan for 2015.

The objective is to identify and compare different models

The Finnish Government’s programme calls for the implementation of a universal basic income experiment. The purpose of the experiment is to find ways to reshape the social security system in response to changes in the labour market. The experiment will also explore how to make the system more empowering and more effective in terms of providing incentives for work. Further objectives include the reduction of bureaucracy and the streamlining of the complicated benefits system.

A preliminary study will seek to identify a model for implementing the universal basic income experiment. The experiment in turn will evaluate the effect of a basic income in different population groups and produce an overall cost estimate.

Next steps

1. The preliminary study was launched at the end of October 2015.

2. A review of existing information and experiences with universal basic income models trialled in other countries will be presented to government ministries and agencies in spring 2016.

3. Following on from this, an analysis of experimental models and study designs will be produced in the second half of 2016.

4. The universal basic income experiment is planned to be launched in 2017.

“We are publishing newsletter about the study in English so that the project can be easily followed”, Kangas says.

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