09:30 uur 18-11-2015

CORRECTIE EN VERVANGING Xamarin gaat samenwerken met Orange Business Services, Avanade en andere belangrijke oplossingsintegreerders om mobiele adoptie en succes bij globale ondernemingen te versnellen

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Vandaag heeft Xamarin, de toonaangevende onderneming in enterprisemobiliteit, de lancering van zijn Elite Consulting Partner Program aangekondigd waarmee het mondiale en mobiele leiders erkent in zijn ecosysteem van meer dan 350 bedrijven. De aankondiging betekent een uitbreiding van het bestaande Xamarin Consulting Partner Program om zo een nog breder wereldwijd bereik en meer opties voor advies van experts naar Xamarin-klanten te brengen.

Dit hogere niveau van partnerverbinding stelt Xamarin in staat om de mondiale mobiele adoptie verder te versnellen en tastbare, bottom-line-resultaten te behalen voor ondernemingen over de hele wereld. Het Xamarin Consulting Partner Program, dat in 2012 werd gelanceerd, heeft meer dan 350 bedrijven als leden, met partners die mobiele projecten leveren over alle verticalen en use cases. Onder de eerste Elite-launchpartners zijn belangrijke oplossingsintegreerders:

  • Avanade
  • Cognizant
  • EPAM Systems
  • Magenic
  • Mindtree
  • Orange Business Services
  • Pariveda Solutions


CORRECTING and REPLACING Xamarin Partners With Orange Business Services, Avanade and Other Top Solutions Integrators to Accelerate Global Enterprise Mobile Adoption and Success



SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Please replace the release issued November 12, 2015, with the following corrected version due to multiple revisions.

The corrected release reads:


Xamarin expands its industry-leading Consulting Partner Program to recognize top partners with its new Elite Consulting Partner accreditation

Today, Xamarin, the leading enterprise mobility company, announced the launch of its Elite Consulting Partner Program, recognizing global and mobile leaders from within the company’s ecosystem of more than 350 firms. The announcement marks an expansion of the existing Xamarin Consulting Partner program to bring even broader global reach, and additional expert consulting options to Xamarin customers.

This heightened level of partner engagement will enable Xamarin to further accelerate global mobile adoption and drive tangible, bottom line results for enterprises worldwide. Launched in 2012, the Xamarin Consulting Partner Program includes over 350 member firms, with partners delivering mobile projects across all verticals and use cases. Initial Elite launch partners include top solutions integrators:

  • Avanade
  • Cognizant
  • EPAM Systems
  • Magenic
  • Mindtree
  • Orange Business Services
  • Pariveda Solutions

“Enterprise mobility is top-of-mind for organizations in every industry, and Xamarin makes it possible for us to deliver on this demand at scale,” said Philippe Ensarguet, CTO at Orange Business Services. “With Xamarin, we are able to deliver high-quality, high-performance apps, using a highly efficient, repeatable lifecycle.”

“Our enterprise customers look to Avanade to help them envision what is possible for their current and future mobile needs,” said Dan O’Hara, Avanade Vice President of Mobility. “Xamarin delivers unmatched technology that allows Avanade to transform these mobile strategies into successful reality for our customers.”

Xamarin Elite Consulting Partners are regional or global mobility leaders. Elite Consulting Partners have expertise in the entire Xamarin solution, including Xamarin Platform app design and mobile architecture best practices, automated testing for mobile quality with Xamarin Test Cloud, and post-release issue tracking and monitoring with Xamarin Insights.

Elite Partners also receive exclusive benefits to help them deliver scalable, high quality mobile solutions to their clients, including: exclusive enablement programs, access to Xamarin executives for roadmap and feedback sessions, and joint business planning to maximize their mobile opportunities.

“We’ve seen tremendous results from our Consulting Partner Program and today’s expansion makes it even easier for enterprises everywhere to deliver high quality apps and accelerate their mobile strategy,” said Greg Urquhart, Vice President, Partners & Strategic Alliances at Xamarin. “With the introduction of the Elite Consulting Partners, we’re recognizing firms with presence around the globe, demonstrated Xamarin technical expertise, and the ability to drive mobile innovation for thousands of organizations.”

In the last year, Xamarin’s unique developer downloads have reached nearly 1.3 million, and with the recent RoboVM acquisition, Xamarin has more than doubled its addressable market. These partnerships allow Xamarin to scale its solutions and bring successful mobile strategies to organizations everywhere.

To learn more, visit xamarin.com/consulting-partners.

About Xamarin

Xamarin is the new standard for enterprise mobile development and quality. With over 1.2 million developer downloads and a global customer base in 120 countries, Xamarin is used to accelerate the creation of high-quality, high-performance, mission-critical consumer and enterprise apps. Xamarin powers mobile development for more than 100 of the Fortune 500 companies and is a Visionary in Gartner’s 2015 Magic Quadrant report for Mobile Application Development Platforms. For more information, please visit: www.xamarin.com or follow us@xamarinhq.


SutherlandGold Group for Xamarin
Victoria Butler, 415-848-7178





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