17:04 uur 16-11-2015

Deloitte roept Aimetis wederom uit tot een van de snelstgroeiende techbedrijven in Noord-Amerika

WATERLOO, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Aimetis Corp., mondiaal leider in software voor IP-videobeheer, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het de Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ Award 2015 heeft gewonnen. De prijst wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt aan de vijfhonderd snelstgroeiende technologie-, media- en telecombedrijven van de afgelopen drie jaar in Noord-Amerika . In de periode van 2011 tot 2014 groeide de omzet van Aimetis met 133 procent, waarmee het bedrijf plek 449 in de lijst van Deloitte bezet. Het is de tweede keer in drie jaar tijd dat Aimetis de prestigieuze onderscheiding heeft gewonnen.

Volgens ceo van Aimetis Marc Holtenhoff heeft het bedrijf zijn snelle groei te danken aan een innovatief aanbod en kwalitatief hoogstaande dienstverlening. “We zijn vereerd met de Technology Fast 500 Award van Deloitte”, zei Holtenhoff. “De prijs erkent het harde werk dat ons team heeft verzet ten behoeve van innovatieve oplossingen voor klantgerichte en waardeverhogende diensten.”


Deloitte Recognizes Aimetis as One of the Fastest Growing Technology Companies in North America for the Second Time in Three Years

WATERLOO, Ontario–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Aimetis Corp., a global leader in intelligent IP video management software, today announced it was the recipient of the 2015 Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ award, recognizing the company as one of the 500 fastest growing technology, media, and telecommunications companies in North America over the last three years. During the period from 2011 to 2014, Aimetis revenue grew 133%, ranking the company number 449 on the Deloitte list. This is the second time in three years that Aimetis has received the prestigious Deloitte Fast 500™ award.

Marc Holtenhoff, CEO of Aimetis, credits the company’s commitment to providing innovative offerings and high quality service with the company’s rapid revenue growth. “We are honoured to receive the Technology Fast 500 award from Deloitte,” said Holtenhoff. “This award recognizes the hard work that our team has done to provide innovative solutions with customer-centric service that deliver value to our customers.”

“What’s clear is that despite market uncertainty, these companies have found a way to innovate and grow, harnessing the power of emerging technologies to disrupt and influence business across almost all industries,” said Robert Nardi, Technology, Media and Telecommunications Managing Partner for Deloitte in Canada. “Congratulations Aimetis and all of this year’s Fast 500 companies. We are looking forward to witnessing their continued growth and impact on the technology market.”

About Deloitte’s 2015 Technology Fast 500™

Eligible companies must own proprietary intellectual property or technology that is sold to customers in products that contribute to a majority of the company’s operating revenues. Companies must have base-year operating revenues of at least $50,000 USD/CAD, and current-year operating revenues of at least $5 million USD/CAD. Additionally, companies must be in business for a minimum of four years, and be headquartered within North America.

About Aimetis

Aimetis Corp. is a Waterloo, Canada-based software company offering integrated intelligent video management solutions for security surveillance and business intelligence applications. It’s unique in offering a single platform with integrated analytics, the lowest total cost of ownership, and the industry’s easiest to use products. Aimetis has distributors and certified partners in over 100 countries and serves a variety of industries.


Aimetis Corp.
Katie Mutter, +1-519-746-8888

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