10:09 uur 12-11-2015

VAE neemt voorzitterschap Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT) over

ABU DHABI, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten –(BUSINESS WIRE)– De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten nemen met ingang van woensdag het voorzitterschap op zich van de Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), een internationale alliantie van achttien wetshandhavingsinstanties en partners in de private sector die online seksueel misbruik van kinderen aanpakken. Voorzitter wordt majoor-generaal dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimim, secretaris-generaal van het bureau van de minister-president en minister van Binnenlandse Zaken.

Het voorzitterschap van de VGT rouleert elke drie jaar onder de leden. De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten neemt die taak voor de komende drie jaar (2015-2018) op zich. De overdracht werd in april 2015 aangekondigd tijdens een meeting van de raad van bestuur.

UAE Chairs the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT)

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates–(BUSINESS WIRE)– As of Wednesday, the United Arab Emirates officially assumed the duties of chair of the Virtual Global Taskforce (VGT), an international alliance of 18 law enforcement agencies and private sector partners dedicated to combating online child sexual abuse; under the chairmanship of Major General Dr. Nasser Lakhrebani Al Nuaimi, Secretary General of the Office of HH Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.

This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20151111006568/en/

As chairmanship of the VGT rotates among members every three years, the UAE will oversee the international taskforce for the next three years (2015-2018).

The VGT chair handover was announced at the Virtual Global Taskforce Board of Management and consultative team’s meeting in April 2015, following the unanimous voting for the UAE Ministry of Interior, in recognition of its significant efforts and extensive activities to protect children and prevent and respond to child sexual exploitation.

Major General Al Nuaimi said that the appointment of the UAE to chair this prestigious taskforce for the next three years is testament from member countries and law enforcement agencies of the efficient efforts, competence and values of the UAE police, and the leadership’s commitment to establish the UAE as a center of excellence in the field of child protection and to enhance children’s awareness regarding the dangers of modern technologies. “It is our responsibility to make the Internet a safer place for children,” he said.

The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Interior, officially became a member of the VGT in May 2010, by inking accession documents to VGT. Under the agreement, the UAE will be legally bound to realize the VGT objectives seeking to make the Internet a safer place; identify, locate and help children at risk of sexual exploitation.

During the official change of chair in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday, Major General Al Nuaimi will assume the duties of chair from Ian M. Quinn, Deputy Assistant Director of ICE HSI’s Investigative Services Division and Cyber Crimes Center.

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The Ministry of Interior, please click HERE

Abu Dhabi Police, please click HERE

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*Source: ME NewsWire


The UAE Minister of Interior’s General Secretariat, Tactical Affairs and Security Media Department
Abu Dhabi Police GHQ – Security Media
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