15:43 uur 12-11-2015

Mondiale markt voor beveiliging tot wasdom gekomen

PARIJS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De expo Milipol Paris 2015 onthult voor zijn 19e editie de nieuwste internationale cijfers over de beveiligingsbranche. De gegevens worden gepubliceerd in de Atlas En Toute Sécurité.

De wereldwijd markt voor beveiliging in zijn breedste definitie is in 2014 voor het eerst de grens van 500 miljard euro gepasseerd. Dat is een groei van 5,8 procent, tegen 5,2 procent vorig jaar.


The World Market for Security: a Fully-Fledged Business Sector

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– For its 19 th edition, the exhibition Milipol Paris 2015 reveals the latest worldwide market figures for security, published by the Atlas En Toute Sécurité (1)

The global security market in its broadest definition has, for the first time, surpassed the 500 billion euro mark in 2014 (507 billion): 5.8% against 5.2% the previous year.

Largely dependent on the economic climate and the increase of terrorist threats, the pace of growth in the industry has evolved erratically over the past fifteen years: it was about 7% per year during its best period (2000 to 2008), but suddenly fell to 1% in 2009, to stabilise around 5% at the beginning of this decade.

2015 is expected to follow the same line, with an increase in growth around 6%. However disparities seem to show up by region: growth should continue at a steady pace in North America. In Asia, a new key market for safety, it will be less pronounced due to the economic slowdown of China. However, recovery is expected to speed up in Europe, driven by a somewhat more vibrant economy. But this trend is very contrasted worldwide: the economic woes of some emerging countries (Brazil in particular) will obviously weigh-in on the demand for security, while spending will also accelerate in Africa.

For the first time in 2014 the weight of security expenditure in Asia / Middle-East exceeded that of Europe. This is a symbol of the historical evolution of the global security market. One should note that the very sensitive Middle East zone has recorded a solid + 12% increase in security spending, due to the many conflicts and threats. In the meantime, Europe has steadily been losing ground (-10 points in 15 years) due to a modest growth rate for security budgets, particularly since 2010 (+ 2.5% on average). As North America roughly retains its position as the market leader, the “Rest of the World” area are gaining market shares, approaching 10% of all global spending.

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( 1) www.security-info.com


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