15:41 uur 04-11-2015

Virtual Forge breidt aanbod SAP-beveiliging uit

HEIDELBERG, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Zakendoen staat tegenwoordig vrijwel synoniem aan het verwerken van informatie. Circa driehonderdduizend organisaties, waaronder 90 procent van alle bedrijven uit de mondiale top 2000, vertrouwen hun bedrijfsvoering nu toe aan SAP-systemen. Hun succes hangt voor een groot deel af van de veiligheid en stabiliteit van deze systemen en applicaties, die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de uitvoering van veel cruciale transacties. Ieder moment dat een systeem niet of verminderd functioneert, kan nadelige gevolgen hebben. Bedrijven zien zich dus genoodzaakt hun SAP-systemen regelmatig te controleren en te optimaliseren.

“Virtual Forge helpt klanten al tien jaar met de optimalisatie van de veiligheid en stabiliteit van hun SAP-landschappen”, verklaart Andreas Fritz, regionaal hoofd van het bedrijf. “We hebben in samenhang met onze SAP-beveiligingssuite tevens veel nieuws toegevoegd aan ons aanbod. Dit betekent dat we zowel op code- als op systeemniveau SAP HANA kunnen scannen. Daarbij worden risico’s niet alleen opgespoord, maar ook aangepakt.”


Virtual Forge Unveils Significant Expansion of its SAP-Security Solution Portfolio

HEIDELBERG, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Business – these days, it’s more or less synonymous with processing information. Some 300,000 organizations across the world, including 90% of the top 2,000 companies, now entrust their business to SAP systems. Their success depends to a large extent on the security and stability of these systems and applications, which handle the execution of many key business transactions. Any downtime or decline in performance could have dire consequences. Companies thus face the task of reviewing and optimizing their SAP systems on a regular basis to ensure they remain stable and secure.

“For over 10 years, Virtual Forge has been helping customers optimize the security and stability of their SAP landscapes,” states Andreas Fritz, regional director at the company. “We’ve also just finished adding plenty of new offerings to our portfolio in connection with our SAP security suite. This means we can now perform both code- and system-level scans on SAP HANA to not only identify security and performance risks, but automatically address them, as well.”

Another new highlight in Virtual Forge’s portfolio is TransportProfiler, which examines SAP transports for completeness, consistency, and changes in critical data. This makes it possible to avoid problems that would otherwise be caused by flawed transports, including system downtime, adverse effects on the target system, and the costs and effort involved in correcting the errors at hand.

In addition, Virtual Forge is now offering its established CodeProfiler solution as “scanning-as-a-service”: CodeProfiler in the Cloud scans custom application code for critical flaws and security holes. “This should be of interest to our smaller and midsize customers in particular,” Fritz predicts. “Instead of having to maintain their own environment, they can simply upload their code into our cloud and obtain a detailed analysis of all the critical findings found immediately after the scan is complete. The corresponding dashboard’s analytics functions provide information on trends and benchmarks.

Virtual Forge will be presenting its new product portfolio at this year’s SAP TechEd event, which is scheduled for November 10-12 in Barcelona, Spain. Attendees are invited to bring along their own code and have it scanned by CodeProfiler in the Cloud at the company’s booth (#7.29).

To learn more, please visit www.virtualforge.com.


Virtual Forge
Nicole Hellweg, +49 (0) 6221 868 90-0

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