10:10 uur 21-10-2015

Ontwerper lanceert Levicle Bike op tijd voor kerst

AUCKLAND, Nieuw-Zeeland –(BUSINESS WIRE)– De introductie van de Levicle Bike van ontwerper Tom Mackenzie is precies op tijd voor ouders die hun kinderen blij en actief willen houden tijdens de komende vakantieperiodes.

De in Nieuw-Zeeland gevestigde ondernemer bedacht het unieke voertuig tijdens een bezoek aan de supermarkt. Het gevoel dat Mackenzie kreeg bij het balanceren op het handvat van een winkelwagentje wilde hij nabootsen. Na het uitproberen van verschillende prototypes, kwam hij uiteindelijk met een design waar het zadel dicht bij het stuur zit. Daardoor verdwijnt de noodzaak om de onderrug te buigen, terwijl het juist het ‘winkelwagentje’-effect versterkt. De bestuurder krijgt het gevoel te zweven over de grond.

De eerste productie biedt nu twee modellen die gericht zijn op zowel kinderen als volwassenen. Elk model kan eenvoudig worden aangepast.

Inventor Debuts Levicle Bike in Time for Christmas Deliveries

AUCKLAND, New Zealand–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The introduction of the Levicle bike by inventor Tom Mackenzie is just in time for parents looking to keep the children happy and active during the upcoming school holidays.

The prolific New Zealand-based entrepreneur first conceived the unique vehicle on a trip to the supermarket. “I wanted to find a way to emulate the feeling I got from pushing the trolley along and balancing myself on the handlebar,” says Mackenzie.

After trying different prototypes out, he settled on a final design with a seat close to the handlebars, eliminating the need to bend the lower back while providing the ‘trolley effect’ – allowing the rider to feel like they were levitating across the ground.

With a distinctive large front wheel, the bike can also ride over stones and other objects the traditional scooter cannot. There’s also no chain and, with very little maintenance, Mackenzie says it’s a bike to “set and forget.”

The first production run now offers two models aimed at both the child and commuter markets. Each model can be easily adjusted, the design allowing children and adults to ride.

The lightweight and compact design allows the commuter to pack the bike for the bus or train. At less than 5kg (11lb) and at 720mmx356mmx193mm (8.3inx14inx7.6in) it is half the weight and volume of the many popular folding bikes on the market.

The smooth and comfortable ride, what Mackenzie refers to as “the levitating bit,” has strong appeal to the modern commuter also. The speed of acceleration is faster than a bicycle and, with no pedals, the rider can also use the bike on the footpath in most countries.

In 2004 Mackenzie founded Energy Mad, which in 2011 listed on the NZ stock exchange. He left to follow his inspiration for the Levicle bike in 2015.

With the Kickstarter campaign already taking orders from buyers in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, London and New York, he is now looking forward to the Levicle bike bringing the freedom of travel he first felt in the supermarket to young and old everywhere.

For the full media kit with photos go to www.levicle.com/press

See the Kickstarter campaign



Tom Mackenzie, +64211822497 (mobile)

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