15:45 uur 19-10-2015

Mercedes-Benz slaat handen ineen met Pivotal voor app voor verbonden auto

FRANKFURT, Duitsland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Pivotal, het bedrijf dat digitale transformaties van bedrijven versnelt, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het samen met Mercedes-Benz werkt aan de eerste auto-app die een nieuw tijdperk van digitale transformaties mogelijk maakt. Het nieuwe platform is ontworpen om autobestuurders meer inzicht in de rij-ervaring te verschaffen: toegang tot uiteenlopende informatie over de staat van de auto, aansturing op afstand van onder meer de verwarming, de mogelijkheid de auto op afstand op slot te doen, een gebruiksvriendelijk navigatie-instrument via iPhone en Apple Watch en andere functies.

De komst van de app, die Mercedes me heet, positioneert Mercedes-Benz als leider in een in toenemende mate verbonden wereld. Digitalisering is al enkele jaren een strategische kwestie van cruciaal belang. De kern van de digitale transformatie is de snelle ontwikkeling van software die het bedrijf concurrerend maakt in het marktsegment voor luxe auto’s en ambitieuze doelstellingen ondersteunt. In 2020 zullen alle auto’s vrij van uitstoot zijn, autonoom kunnen rijden en in hoge mate zijn verbonden met internet.


Reinventing the Luxury Class of the Automobile Industry: Mercedes-Benz Teams with Pivotal to Bring Connected Car App to Life

FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Pivotal®, the company accelerating digital transformation for enterprises, today announced that it has been working with Mercedes-Benz to design and bring to life its first-ever connected car app that ushers in a new era of digital transformation. This new platform is designed to give drivers deeper insight about the driving experience—access to a variety of information about the status of the vehicle’s vitals, remote control of things like auxiliary heating, the ability to open and close the door lock from afar, a convenient navigation tool via iPhone and Apple Watch, and other new features.

The release of the Mercedes me app further positions Mercedes-Benz as a leader in an increasingly connected world. Digitization has been a key strategic issue in all areas of the company for several years. Core to this digital transformation is rapid software development that will enable the company to compete and win in the luxury automobile market and support ambitious company goals—by 2020, all vehicles will be emission-free and will feature autonomous driving and deep levels of Internet connectivity.

To support these important company initiatives, Mercedes-Benz looked to the agile software development services of Pivotal Labs and Pivotal’s cloud native platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry supercharged with the developer framework Spring Boot. Mercedes-Benz can now implement the extremely rapid deployment of highly scalable and flexible products and solutions in response to demanding customer requirements. Within the project, Pivotal Labs brings the culture and successful methodology of software development from Silicon Valley to Stuttgart and helps Mercedes-Benz adapt and further develop this know-how.

Scott Yara, Co-President of Pivotal, and Christoph Hartung, Head of Connected Cars for Mercedes-Benz, presented the joint project at the Car IT Congress in Frankfurt and explained the background of the collaboration. For more information go to: http://kongress.car-it.com

Supporting Quotes

Scott Yara, Co-President, Pivotal

“Daimler and Mercedes-Benz are pioneers and leaders of automotive engineering. Their commitment to learn Pivotal’s modern agile software development methodology and build the Mercedes me connected car app on Pivotal’s modern cloud native platform demonstrates they are now also a great software company.”

Christoph Hartung, Head of Connected Cars, Mercedes-Benz

Daimler is mobilizing people and cities, and our work with Pivotal on the Mercedes me connected car app will ensure that people can get to their destinations in a convenient, economical and environmentally friendly manner. With Pivotal we have minimized our innovation cycles and can now respond to changing market demands faster than ever before, both of which allowed us to develop a profound software culture in our transformational journey into a digital company. Our collaboration with Pivotal will define a new digital driving culture with state-of-the-art information technologies, online communication systems and automotive services.”

About Pivotal

Pivotal’s cloud native platform drives software innovation for many of the world’s most admired brands. With millions of developers in communities around the world, Pivotal technology touches billions of users every day. After shaping the software development culture of Silicon Valley’s most valuable companies for over a decade, today Pivotal leads a global technology movement transforming how the world builds software. More at www.pivotal.io

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Pivotal Software, Inc.
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