13:53 uur 12-10-2015

LFB S.A. verhoogt kapitaal met 230 miljoen euro

LES ULIS, France–(BUSINESS WIRE) — De aandeelhouder van LFB S.A. is op 2 oktober akkoord gegaan met een voorgestelde kapitaalverhoging van het bedrijf. De raad van bestuur van LFB S.A stemde op 18 september voor een verhoging met 230 miljoen euro, bedoeld voor de ontwikkeling van de LFB-groep. De de kapitaalverhoging komt volledig op rekening van de Franse staat, dat de enige aandeelhouder van het farmaceutische bedrijf is.

De kapitaalinjectie bestaat uit vier stappen en begint met de eerste intekening voor 16 oktober 2015, met een waarde van 60 miljoen euro. De vierde intekening heeft uiterlijk in april 2018 plaats. Na afloop beschikt LFB S.A. over een maatschappelijk kapitaal van 280 miljoen euro, verdeeld over 5,6 miljoen aandelen van 50 euro.


LFB S.A. Increases Its Capital by 230 Million Euros

LES ULIS, France–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Regulatory News:

Designed to support the development of the LFB group, this capital increase was voted by LFB S.A’s Board of Directors on 18th September, and was approved in General meeting of shareholders on 2 nd October. It will be wholly subscribed by the French State which is the unique shareholder of LFB S.A.

The release schedule is based on four successive steps between the first subscription before 16 th October 2015, for 60 million euros, and the fourth subscription planned for April 2018 latest. At the end of the operation, the authorized capital of LFB S.A. will be of 280 million euros (280 000 000 euros), falling into five millions and six hundreds of thousands (5 600 000) shares of fifty euros (50 euros) each.

This capital increase aims at supporting the development of the LFB group for the years to come, namely with the financing of a new manufacturing facility for plasma-derived medicinal products. Located in the north of France, this “next generation” plant is to start in 2020 and allow LFB to triple within the next ten years, its global production capacity for plasma-derived medicinal products. It will also upgrade the production costs in order to strengthen the group’s competitiveness in a highly technological field, and meet the highest global standards, allowing LFB to increase its international sales.

About the LFB group . The LFB group ( www.lfb.fr ) is a biopharmaceutical company that develops, manufactures, and markets medicinal products for the treatment of serious and often rare diseases in the fields of Immunology, Hemostasis, Perinatal, and Intensive Care. The LFB group is the leading manufacturer of plasma-derived medicinal products in France and 6th worldwide, and is also among the leading European companies for the development of new-generation medicinal products or treatments based on biotechnologies.
The LFB group is pursuing a growth strategy that seeks to extend its international activities and develop innovative therapies. Today, the LFB group markets its products in more than 40 countries around the world with a global turnover of € 501.9 million in 2014. www.lfb.fr


Sandrine Charrières, Phone: +33 (1) 69 82 72 80
Executive VP Corporate Communications
email : charrieres@lfb.fr
Media relations contact:
Havas Worldwide
Jeanne Bariller, Phone : +33 (6) 15 51 49 40

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