13:57 uur 11-09-2015

GSMA blij met hervormingsstreven van Europese Commissie inzake telecom

BRUSSEL–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De GSMA is blij dat de Europese Commissie een openbare raadpleging over de hervorming van de regelgeving inzake telecommunicatie heeft ingesteld.

De Europese telecommarkt is radicaal veranderd sinds de huidige telecomregelgeving werd ingesteld. Consumenten hebben vandaag de dag de keuze uit een brede keur aan aan producten, diensten en aanbieders, van wie veel uit naburige sectoren afkomstig zijn.

De GSMA beveelt modernisering van de regelgeving van harte aan. Zodoende kan de sector inspelen op de veranderde realiteit op de markt. Europa heeft beleid nodig die investeringen stimuleren en aanmoedigen tot innovatie. Dit stelt dienstverleners in staat Europese burgers de servicekwaliteit te beiden die ze nodig hebben, waardoor Europa weer vooraan staat op gebied van technologische innovatie.


The GSMA Welcomes the Commission’s Efforts in Pressing Ahead with the Telecoms Regulatory Reform

BRUSSELS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The GSMA applauds the Commission’s launch of a Public Consultation for the Telecoms Regulatory Reform.

The European telecoms market has changed radically since the current set of telecommunications regulations was adopted. Consumers today can choose from a wide selection of products, services and providers, many of which come from neighbouring industries.

The GSMA strongly encourages the modernisation of regulation in the sector to respond to the changed realities in the market. Europe needs policies that boost investment and encourage innovation, enabling service providers to continue to offer European citizens the quality of service they require. This will ensure that Europe can put itself at the fore of technological innovation on a global scale.

“The GSMA believes that telecommunications reform is the linchpin for Europe’s industrial strategy in the digital sector and could lead to unparalleled prospects for economic growth and social progress,” said Afke Schaart, Vice President Europe, GSMA. “Customers expect to be able to run their small business remotely and they will increasingly expect everyday objects, such as cars or household appliances, to be connected to the internet. At the moment, this is not always possible. The European market needs a new regulatory framework that enhances the region’s ability to be a hub for investment and innovation, as well as protecting European citizens as consumers of communications services.”

Advances in technology are increasingly delivering new and innovative products and services to European citizens, and the GSMA supports the Commission in creating a level playing field to ensure that similar services, including those from non-traditional sources, adhere to the same rules. These regulations should be principles-based and be able to withstand the test of time, focused in particular on removing unnecessary regulatory burdens.

The Telecoms Framework Review also provides a fresh opportunity to look at reforms to spectrum policy, supporting deployment of new and harmonised spectrum for mobile broadband across Europe.


About the GSMA

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 250 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai and the Mobile 360 Series conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.


For the GSMA
Jeroen Rigole (Brussels)
+32 (0) 471 824262
GSMA Press Office

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