13:43 uur 02-10-2015

Innotiimi-ICG geselecteerd als opleider EU-instellingen

HELSINKI – (BUSINESS WIRE) – De Europese adviesgroep Innotiimi-ICG is samen met twee Europese consortiumpartners geselecteerd als de leverancier van de volgende generatie van leiderschaps- en managementontwikkelingsprogramma’s voor de instellingen van de Europese Unie.

Het contract, dat een waarde vertegenwoordigt van acht miljoen euro en vier jaar omvat, heeft betrekking op zowel interinstitutionele leiderschaps- als managementtrainingen georganiseerd door de European School of Administration (EUSA) en de specifieke trainingsbehoeften van 37 andere instituties, agentschappen en organen van de Europese Unie. Daaronder vallen onder meer het Europees Parlement, het secretariaat-generaal van de Raad, de Europese Commissie, de Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden en verschillende agentschappen in alle lidstaten.


Innotiimi-ICG selected as the EU institution training provider


HELSINKI–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The European consultancy group Innotiimi-ICG, together with two European consortium partners, has been selected as the provider of the next generation of leadership and management development programmes for the European Union institutions.

The contract, worth EUR 8 million and spanning four years, covers both the inter-institutional leadership and management trainings organised by the European School of Administration (EUSA) and the specific training needs of thirty seven other institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union. Those include e.g. the European Parliament, the Council Secretariat General, the European Commission, the European External Action Service and various agencies in all member states.

After a more defined and detailed planning period now in progress, the next generation learning programmes will commence gradually next year.

The winning concept, beating thirteen other bids was considered excellent in many respects. Making the Innotiimi-ICG proposal stand out was its novel approach to versatile learning paths and progressive methodology, aiming at wider and lasting results.

The concept managed to reflect the underlying change taking place in the EU institutions’ training needs. Resulting from an increased work load and diminishing human resources, it has been recognized that all training needs to be more focused and effective.

In this pursuit, Innotiimi-ICG can be seen as a logical choice. Already since 2007, the consortium has provided training for EUSA and the EU institutions. That experience is shown in a mutual understanding of the challenges ahead and paved the way for future co-operation.

Bringing their expertise to the up and coming training programmes are also two other consortium partners, the GreenHouse Group and AIM.

Innotiimi-ICG is a consultancy group of 130 professionals in 12 countries with 30 years of experience. The group is focusing on supporting leadership teams in both private and public enterprises with change processes.




Further information:
Katri Auvinen
+3 2 474 98 61 61
István Kostzolányi
istvan.kosztolanyi@inte gratedconsulting.hu
+36 30 280 9389

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